Learn How to Share What You Love
*Information Session for Jaya Yoga’s Immersion Program:
Practice, Learn, Teach w/Carla Stangenberg
Saturday, March 29
10:15 -11:00 am
at Jaya Yoga East
2902 Fort Hamilton Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11218
In this information session Carla Stangenberg, Jaya’s co-director will share details about the program, answer your questions, and help you decide if this transformative experience is right for you.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at namaste@jayayogacenter.com.
Jaya Yoga's Immersion Program:
Practice, Learn, Teach with Carla Stangenberg and Friends
May - December 2025
We’re thrilled to offer this training in celebration of Jaya Yoga Center’s 25th anniversary!
Whether you’re ready to deepen your practice or explore the path of teaching, this six-month journey is designed to help you integrate, embody, and expand your understanding of yoga. We have afforded 6 months for training so you have enough time to practice, digest and process the download of information. We are not in a rush.
Topics include (but not limited to)
Asana (movement practices), Anatomy, mechanics, smart sequencing
Pranayama (breath practices)
Hasta Mudra (hand asana)
Mindfulness Meditation
Bhakti yoga, Mantra (chanting)
Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga
Teaching techniques and plenty of teaching practice!
One Saturday workshop a month 12 - 3 pm
Sundays (one or two a month) 8 am - 4. pm
Tuesday evening online lectures, Q & A's, meditations,
Minimum two classes per week at Jaya
Saturday, May 31
12 - 3 pm
Sunday, June 1
8 am - 4 pm
Sunday, June 15
8 am - 4 pm
Sunday, June 29
8 am - 4 pm
Saturday, July 19
12 - 3 pm
Sunday, July 20
8 am - 4 pm
Sunday, August 10
8 am - 4 pm
Saturday, September 6
12 - 3 pm
Sunday, September 7
8 am- 4 pm
Sunday, September 21
8 am - 4 pm
Saturday, October 4
12 - 3 pm
Sunday, October 5
8 am - 4 pm
Sunday, October 19
8 - 4 pm
Saturday, November 1
12 - 3 pm
Sunday, November 2
8 am - 3 pm
Sunday, November 16
8 am - 4 pm
Tuesday evening classes take place on Zoom from 7 - 8:30 pm the specific schedule is TBA.
From November 17 - December 1 students have time in the studio to practice teaching their final classes with help and notes from teaching staff.
Final classes are community classes put on the Jaya schedule and open to the full Jaya community. Classes will be scheduled between December 2 - 19, 2025.
*December 20, 2025 Graduation.
Included in Training
40 classes in studio or online - to be used throughout the training must be used between the June 1 - December 20. If you use them all up before 12/20 you can purchase more classes at a discount to be used during the training.
The Heart of the Yoga Practice by Desikachar
Light On Yoga by BKS Iyengar
Be on time
Be prepared, do your homework
40 classes at Jaya during the time of the training
Homework - including but not limited to reading, papers, home practice, practice teaching with peer group, listening and watching videos and podcasts, presentations...
Be accountable to yourself and each other.
Everyone will be required to teach a 75 minute class as their final project as well.
*Please have an established yoga practice, this is not a course for beginners.
You will need
To look inside yourself to see if this is really the step you want to take in your life at the moment. Ask yourself, are you truly dedicated to the practices and invested and open to learning more?
To make time and space to be accountable to your peers, do your home practice and homework, show up ready to dive in.
Carla Stangenberg is co-director and teacher at Jaya Yoga Center. This year she celebrates 25 years of teaching. She considers it an immense honor to be here doing this with you. She has a tremendous amount to share and is thrilled to be welcoming some very special guest teachers as well.
We aim to begin the training on May 31 - December 20, 2025.
$3300 if paid in full by 5/25/25; $3500 if paid on 5/26/25 or after
$300 non-refundable deposit (which will be deducted from the full fee).
Optional Payment Plan is being offered
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at namaste@jayayogacenter.com.
ready to apply?
We welcome you to download our online application form.
For more information:
Do you have questions about our program? We would love to chat with you.
Ready to make payment:
Make your down payment to reserve your spot or your full payment here.