Teri Gandy-Richardson

To me, yoga is algebra. It’s a creative celebration and exploration towards spiritual balance, and energetic movement of proportions that are both fluid and static.

My go-to for grounding, navigating life, reflection and discovery is the wisdom, practicality and eclectic combo of the 8 Limbs of yoga. This philosophy fuels my practice.

I teach classes that are organized and playfully designed to pull you outside and inside— towards your recognizing your own magic through the excavation of your personal strengths.

I’m a blend of my experiences, training and teachers, who include Nikki Viella (Kula Project), Elizabeth Wipff and Tari Prinster (y4c). I am 500 YTT Yogamaya, NYC (2011), and have been certified to teach kids through bentonlearning.org (2010). Months, after my breast cancer diagnosis in 2016, I certified with yoga4cancer.com.

With gratitude for the warm invitation to ‘do the yoga’ at Jaya, I’m pleased to join, and expand in community.

IG: @teri.gandyrichardson
web: terigandyrichardson.com