spring reiki and restor
with jaya reiki collective
Jaya east
friday, March 28
7:00-8:20 pm
Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul! All are welcome to join us for a relaxing evening of Reiki (light hands on healing), Restorative yoga.
Information Session for Jaya Yoga Immersion: Practice, learn, teach
with carla stangenberg
Jaya east
saturday, march 29
10:15-1:00 am
We’re thrilled to offer this training in celebration of Jaya Yoga Center’s 25th anniversary! Carla Stangenberg, Jaya’s co-director will share details about the program, answer your questions, and help you decide if this transformative experience is right for you. Whether you’re ready to deepen your practice or explore the path of teaching, this six-month journey is designed to help you integrate, embody, and expand your understanding of yoga.
Book club: Kayikeyi by Vaishnavi patel
with jaya community
Jaya church
sunday,march 30
12:15-1:15 pm
Our next book is Kaikeyi: A Novel by Vaishnavi Patel. This lyrical novel reimagines the life of the infamous queen from the ancient epic the Ramayana. Please join us for a lively conversation among Jaya Yoga’s Community.
the reiki sangha|2025 sessions
with jaya reiki collective
Jaya east
sunday, April 6 & May 4
7:00-8:00 pm
If you wish to practice on a regular basis with a small group of like minded people, gain an overall understanding of the components of a reiki practice and/or get deeper into the precepts, mantras, meditations, symbols and engage in meaningful conversation about the practice, then this just might be the program for you. This program is open to Reiki Practitioners only.
Yin and sound bath
with katie cavanagh and stephanie thompson
Jaya east
saturday, april 26
6:00-7:15 pm
Get ready to slow down and rejuvenate with Yin and Sound Healing by holding space with the sound of our own resonant frequencies—instruments, yin yoga poses; these practices will take you deeply into your being, for a spiritual, emotional and physiological experience.
jaya arts salon
with jaya community
Jaya east
saturday, May 10
5:30-7:00 pm
Come celebrate the Jaya Community in it's 25th Year by joining us for a special evening at The Jaya Salon! This event is all about sharing our artistic talents within our community. Whether you're a singer-songwriter, writer, dancer, comedian, or have any other creative talent, we invite you to be part of this spirited evening. Everyone is welcome to attend! You do not have to perform you can happily be an audience member!